Sing the Songs of Christ

The psalms are a gift of the Holy Spirit. As we sing psalms the word of God dwells richly in us. Our voices are joined with that of Jesus Christ, the true Worship Leader. In him and through him we praise the Father.

A Psalm Roar is a gathering to sing a variety of psalms in a variety of styles. We aim for singing that is enthusiastic, robust, loud and encouraging! Psalm Roars are suitable for those with no musical background. We want to see the psalms restored to their proper place in Christian worship.

Do not imagine the gentle singing of a choir in a cathedral.
Picture a rugby team about to go onto the pitch, or an army preparing for battle.
Jesus is the Lion of Judah and our aim is to roar the psalms.


13th October 2024

St Andrew’s, Kirk Ella

21st September 2024

Park End Presbyterian

19th October 2024

Eastleigh near

23 November 2024

If doctrine strengthens our minds, psalm-singing fortifies our souls.

A Psalm Roar has both! As well as singing, those who attend will gain an understanding of God’s purpose for singing and a deeper awareness that the psalms are the songs of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We will grow in faith as we engage with the word of God.

For a full list of events click on EVENTS.

Why sing the psalms?

Our Father’s Command

God knows what is best for his children and his commands are good. The Church is commanded to sing psalms. 

Sing Scripture

Many great hymns and songs have been written but when we sing psalms we sing the very words God has given us.

The Voice of the Son of God

So many psalms are best understood as the words of Christ, spoken prophetically by the Spirit through David and others.   

Unity across the years

By singing psalms we are united with followers of Christ from across 3000 years who sang these same words.

Life in the Spirit

The Holy Spirit unites the Church around Christ as we sing words from the Bible and praise our Saviour. 

Growing in joy

Robust, hearty singing is great encouragement and great fun. It stirs our emotions and strengthens our souls.

“Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the Lord.”

— Ephesians 5